Whosayna’s Tin Bhajia

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Whosayna’s Tin Bhajia


Cooking Time

Preparation Time :20 Min

Cook Time : 30 Min

Total Time : 50 Min


Serves : 9
  • 2 cups mixed Green Leafy Veggies (Spinach, Fenugreek and so on) 2 cups Besan (Gram flour) 1/2 cup Rice flour Salt (as required) 1 tsp Chilli powder 1/4 tsp Turmeric powder 1 cup Yogurt 1/2 tsp Baking powder 2 tbsp Oil 1 tsp Sesame few chopped Curry leaves 1/2 tsp Mustard seeds 2 Green Chillies (chopped) 1/2 tsp Corriander powder 1/2 tsp Cummin powder 1/2 Lemon juice


  • Chop green veggies, wash them and keep aside. Put flour in a big bowl add spices, lemon juice and yogurt. Temper (Bagaar) of mustard seeds, sesame, curry leaves in oil and pour in the bowl. Add 1 tsp baking powder and mix well. Grease 2-3 empty tins (of evaporated or similar tins) and fill 3/4 of the tin with bhajia mixture. Put tins in steamer and steam till done. Let it cool down then cut slices. Deep fry till crisped up. Can garnish same as Arvi Pantras.